United Kingdom Memory Cafes

Welcome visitors from the United Kingdom!

Find United Kingdom Memory Cafes near you and enjoy a “dementia-friendly” outing with your loved one. Just click your area on the map below. Some are sponsored by national organizations, while many more are offered by local groups. If your favorite Memory Cafe isn’t shown, please let us know and we’ll add it. It’s free!


Thank you!



Additional Resources

Memory Cafe Directory seeks additional resources beyond Memory Cafe listings. As those are identified, we will share with you.

Finding the Light in Dementia

By Jane M. Mullins

This book really gets to the heart of caring for a family member with dementia by explaining what our loved ones are going through. With excellent tips and approaches, it helps us “re-connect” and overcome daily challenges. This is a positive book that goes through all stages of the journey, offering hope and reassurance along the way.

It is easy to read with a clear and concise writing style, good-sized text, a summary at the end of each chapter for easy reference, along with blank pages for your own notes. A great feature when involving other family members and caregivers. It helps them know your loved one’s preferences and needs at that moment in time.


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