Physical exercise and activity is crucial for a healthy mind and body. Here’s a number of beneficial exercises for seniors with dementia.
Tips to Help Your Loved One Get Ready for Bed Submitted by Guest Contributor: Eliza Sadler Anyone can have trouble getting ready for bed. It doesn’t really matter whether they are in their nineties or just in their early twenties. Some people with complications like dementia may require assistance to get ready for bed. If [...]
The link between sleeping and dementia is as complex as in many chronic illnesses. Insomnia treatments are often the answer. The condition makes falling and staying asleep more challenging, but a lack of adequate shuteye increases disease symptoms. Around and around the vicious cycle you go.
As we grow older, it is common to worry that our memory will degrade. Many of the strategies we can employ to sustain a good memory are also the habits of healthy people. However, it might be that you feel some things are starting to slip already. Let’s look at eight memory tips to help [...]
Guest Contributor Ginger Abbot shares 12 valuable memory engagement activities to enjoy with your loved one living with dementia.
7 Mind Stimulating Activities for Seniors Submitted by Guest Contributor Charlie Svensson As we get older our brains slow down and most people consider this a normal part of aging. However, if we keep stimulating our brains with daily activities, we may be able to avoid the most common mental decline that comes with aging. [...]
Ways to Support Holistic Health in Patients With Dementia Submitted by Guest Contributor: Amanda Winstead As a dementia caregiver, the well-being of your patient or loved one is of utmost importance. Their physical and emotional health may be harmed by this illness. One of the best ways to support them is with a holistic approach [...]
7 Effective Ways to Boost and Maintain Your Energy Submitted by Guest Contributor: Carol Williams Work-Life and a hectic schedule might leave you all drained and exhausted at the end of the day. With such a fast-paced life, you might find it challenging to relax and concentrate on the task at hand. Also, it impairs [...]
10 Exercises and Physical Activity for People with Dementia Guest Contributor: Jean Deruiter Dementia is a progressive disease that affects the brain. To be specific, it impacts the person’s memory, language, and other behaviors. Having a loved one who has dementia is difficult to cope with. But there are small lifestyle changes that your [...]